Any pet owner knows about the problems and inconvenience that fleas in pets can cause. Unfortunately, it’s inevitable that at some point, your dog or cat will be affected by fleas. Especially when the weather becomes warmer are pets more susceptible. So now is the time to think about flea prevention. Here, we’ve posted our top flea prevention ideas.
Fleas can cause a great deal of discomfort to both pets and humans. Pets can suffer from hair loss, illness, and tapeworms. Fleas don’t live on humans, but will bite causing red spots and, sometimes, allergic reactions. This means that it is essential to prevent an infestation of fleas. What can you do to prevent flea infestations in your pets?
Identifying Fleas
You may first notice that your pet has fleas because it starts scratching more. You can take a flea comb (metal ones are the best) and comb your pet’s hair, making sure that the comb reaches to the skin. If you notice black specks on the comb, this could be flea dirt. If you notice fleas on the comb, immerse the comb in soapy water to kill them.
Flea Prevention
It is important to use flea prevention treatments regularly. Your local pet hospital can advise on the best products available. These treatments work to break up the flea’s life cycle. An adult flea can produce about 40 to 50 eggs a day.
The best flea prevention treatment is either in liquid form or tablet form, which is administered every 30 days. Liquid treatments should be applied between the shoulder blades of your dog or cat. This is absorbed into the skin and hair and will prevent fleas from viewing your pet as a welcoming host. Pills are given orally.
There are other fleas prevention treatments like sprays, shampoos, dips, and collars. However, these aren’t as good as the liquid or tablet treatments.
Other practical flea prevention ideas
To prevent fleas, it’s also important to know some more information about fleas. Outdoors, fleas can live on stray and wild animals. They also prefer damp, shady areas away from direct sunlight. Indoors, fleas thrive in bedding, blankets, and carpets. Flea larvae live in a cocoon and can be dormant for up to 5 months.
- Regularly vacuum areas where your pet spends most of its time. This is especially true if you have carpets or rugs. This will get rid of as many flea eggs as possible.
- Wash all bedding, blankets, and other items where your pet sleeps. This should be done in hot soapy water.
- Keep the yard clean. Fleas love clutter and long grass. Keep all lawns trimmed and make sure that all leaves and other debris are removed.
- After walking in long grass, woods, or other forested areas with your pet, check them for fleas with a flea comb.
Despite all your efforts at flea prevention, your pet could still be affected by them. But, if you take preventative measures, you can greatly reduce the number of infestations that you pet suffers from. You will also minimize the severity of any flea infestations that do happen.