Getting your pet microchipped is one of the best ways to ensure your pet gets returned to you if they stray off. According to some sources, only around 20% of dogs and 2% of cats that get handed into shelters are ever returned to their owners.
However, many pet owners may have some concerns about microchipping their pet. In this article, we will answer many frequently asked questions about microchipping pets and why you should get your pet microchipped.
What is a pet microchip?
A pet microchip is a tiny device that is inserted under your pet’s skin by a needle. The chip is about the size of a grain of rice and is able to be read electronically and has a unique number that can help identify the pet’s owner and address. All type of animals can be microchipped, including cats, dogs, horses, and most mammals.
Who carries out the microchipping?
One of the services that veterinary clinics provide pet owners is to microchip their animals. If fact, your local vet will give you the best advice on the types of microchips that are popular in your area and which registration service is the best.
Will inserting the microchip be sore?
Inserting the pet microchip is a very quick procedure and is as painful (or, as painless) as taking blood for a blood test. If you are worried about causing your pet pain, you can have the microchipping done at the same time as getting your pet spayed or neutered. However, most pets don’t feel anything.
Is microchipping expensive?
Microchipping isn’t expensive and will give you peace of mind that if your pet goes missing, there is a greater chance of them being returned to you. To reduce the costs of the microchip procedure, many pet owners get the chip inserted during a regular visit to the vet clinic.
How do I get my pet back if he is lost?
A pet that is taken to a shelter or picked up by a shelter is scanned for a microchip. This will give the organization information on the registered home of the animal. Therefore, after microchipping your pet, it’s essential to keep the registry up to date if you move to a new house or change phone numbers.
Does my pet still need a tag?
Having your cat or dog tagged is also an important part of identifying your pet. For example, if a person picks up your pet that has gone astray and sees a phone number, there is a greater chance that you will be reunited with your pet quicker. It is also a clear sign to everyone that your pet has an owner that cares for them.
Photo by Mitchell Orr.